About us
Kisteleki Cooking Plant
Kisteleki Cheese Plant nowadays
A kisteleki sajtüzem árbevételének alakulása

Árbevétel alakulása

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The beginning

The history of Kisteleki Cheese dates back to more than 45 years, when the production began, the plant formed an integral part of the Csongrád County Dairy Industry Corporation. As a result of the privatization process, in 1994 the plant got into private ownership, and took up its present name, Kisteleki M+M Sajtgyártó Kft.

The first generation: József Magyar, Cheese Master and his wife, Mária Schröttner.

The management of the plant was taken over by the Magyar family. At the present it is the third generation in the family that makes its living from cheese production and operates the plant as a stable, middle-sized company by adding innovations to the exisiting traditions.

Kisteleki Cheese Plant

A 100%-ban magyar tulajdonú, közel 70 főt foglalkoztató sajtgyár kizárólag Magyarországról származó tehéntejet, illetve juhtejet dolgoz fel.

Kisteleki Cheese Plant

Currently there are three product categories that make up the Company’s profile: cream white cheese, processed cheese and sheep curd cheese. Our company is Hungary’s leading sheep milk processing plant.

Cooking Plant in Szentes

Our newest plant has been built up in Szentes in frame of a greenfield invetsment worth 8 m EUR.

Cooking Plant in Szentes

We have been manufacturing precooked and fully cooked chicken meat and cheese products here with most up to date equipments and machines since 2021 April.

Cooking Plant in Szentes

The yearly capacity of Cooking Plant amounts to 4500 tonnes of breadcrumbed products.

Cooking Plant in Szentes

The Cooking Plant of Kisteleki M+M Kft, located in Szentes carried out a higher level IFS audit to validate its food safety managemnt system established and run according to IFS 7 standards.

Az üzem 2023 áprilisában az újratanúsító értékelésen ismét kiérdemelte az emelt szintű tanúsítványt.

Cooking Plant in Szentes

A panírüzem kapacitása 

Kisteleki Dairy Farm

In 2023 we acquired a certificate for ’Certified Growing Farm of Registered Holstein-Fríz Livestocks’.

Kisteleki Dairy Farm

In 2023 we acquired a certificate for ’Certified Growing Farm of Registered Holstein-Fríz Livestocks’.

Kisteleki Dairy Farm

2023: 5th place in In-Calf Heifer Category

József Magyar, József Magyar Jr. and Dr. Erzsébet Magyarné Baranyi

Thanks to elaborated portfolio our products are available in major store chains as well as in smaller retailing units, the majority of our turnover being generated by domestic sales.


Our philosophy involves continuous improvement and full commitment to quality.

József Magyar, József Magyar Jr. and Dr. Erzsébet Magyarné Baranyi
2024-ben a Kisteleki M+M Sajtgyártó Kft. 30 éves fennállását ünepelte.
A few words about us

Scenes from RTL Klub’s (Hungary’s popular commercial TV channel) program named ’Kalandozó’.

introductory video about our Cooking Plant in Szentes